Learn three quick three easy methods to dye yarn or roving (animal fibers, silk, or nylon) using Gaywool Dyes. In this class we will learn to dye a center pull ball, dip-dye, and create unique hand-painted skeins or rovings. We will discuss color theory and ideas for other methods of dyeing as well. At the end of class, we may have time to do some “casserole dyeing” with leftovers.
The cost of the dye is included in the class fee. Students need to provide their own roving or yarn (must be animal fiber, silk or nylon). Roving and yarn will be available for purchase as well.
Cost: $65 per person
Class is limited to 10 people
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/yJwpCvAZBYZFD9Ff6
Kay McCoy developed a passion for fiber arts first when she learned to macramé, knit, and wheat weave as a 4-Her. That passion continued when she learned to spin and weave, and rekindled her interest in knitting. Kay loves finding new ways to feed her fiber enthusiasm, including teaching, creating needle-felted art, designing knitwear patterns, and making and selling items she creates through her fiber arts business, “Prairie Inspirations.” She and her husband, David, live on the McCoy family farm, which has been in his family since 1888.