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Felt An Oven Mitt with Kay McCoy

  • Sikes 101 West Barton Leonardville, KS 66449 United States (map)

In this class, we will learn to wet felt around a template to make an oven mitt. (This class was reschedule to March 1 from January 4th due to the weather. There are still open seats available.)

Fee will be $50 which includes instruction and all materials for the class.

The class is limited to 10 participants.

Sign Up Here:

Kay McCoy developed a passion for fiber arts first when she learned to macramé, knit, and wheat weave as a 4-Her. That passion continued when she learned to spin, and weave, and rekindled her interest in knitting. Kay loves finding new ways to feed her fiber enthusiasm including teaching, creating needle felted art, designing knitwear patterns, and making and selling items she creates through “Prairie Inspirations”, her Fiber Arts business.

February 8

Serendipitous Dyeing with Kay McCoy

March 29

Making Solar Dye Jars with Natural Dyes with Liz Bonny