New Website And Web Address
Hello! It has been quite a while since I wrote a blog post but I wanted to update everyone on what has happened here. A few weeks ago my website crashed and I was unable to get it back up and running. After a lot of prayer and thinking, I decided to start over on a new platform. So far I am very happy with how it is all coming together. Please be patient with me as I get my inventory up and listed.
If you had our previous website bookmarked, please change it as we had to create a new domain name as well.
Currently, we are preparing for our 4th year of homeschooling with Lane, Colton, & Kinzie. Cody has left for college already and will be running cross country. We are glad that we will still get to go to some XC meets this year! Hailey and Ted are also getting ready for their last year of school and planning their wedding.
I am planning to carve out time to write here and share more about our farm, gardening, homemaking, and homeschooling. We hope that you will enjoy this new website and we are excited to release a new product later this fall!
Thank you for your support and patience as we transition to this website.
I learned how to clip a dairy cow this summer for the fair. Actually, Colton and I learned together and there are photos of him clipping too but he took this one of me. One of my favorite things about 4-H is that every year I still learn something new, even after almost 30 years of being involved in the program.